Prior Learning Assessment

Overview & Purpose

2022世界杯买球盘口致力于为学生提供有意义的学习机会 同时也认识到学生在校外获得的知识和技能 traditional college setting. The Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) process is designed 认可和评价通过不同的教育、工作和/或工作获得的知识 training experience. 



解放军为学生提供了在校外学习获得大学学分的机会 of a formal classroom setting. Recognizing students’ learning experiences through 事先的学习评估过程可以帮助学生完成学位或证书 sooner and at a lower cost.



PLA Opportunities

Credit by Exam (National)

Advanced Placement (AP) 大学先修课程考试由美国大学理事会(College Board)管理,为学生提供了“知识” 在他们还在高中的时候就有机会解决大学水平的工作...And through taking AP Exams, students can earn college credit and placement." Learn more about Advanced Placement at College Board or review the scores students need to qualify for college credit. 


College Level Examination Program (CLEP) -由美国大学理事会管理的大学水平考试项目(CLEP) 为学生提供在选定学科领域获得大学学分的机会. Generally, CLEP考试以电脑为基础,包含多项选择题. Learn more about the College Level Examination Program at College Board or review the scores students need to qualify for college credit. 


International Baccalaureate (IB) -国际文凭课程是一门国际课程 and exams offered to high school students. Learn more 2022世界杯买球盘口使用国际文凭的机会或 review the scores students need to qualify for college credit. 

Credit by Exam (Departmental)

Departmental Exam -大学学分可以通过笔试和/或技能展示获得 that was developed by faculty who teach the course. These exams/demonstrations are 旨在确定学生是否具备展示所需的知识/技能 proficiency in the subject taught. Check the list 向提供解放军的院系查询是否有院系考试 in your subject area.


Certification/Licensure -许多学生边工作边上大学,并可能获得行业认证 or licenses. 有些证书可以由2022世界杯买球盘口的教师评估来确定 if it is equivalent to a college credit course. Students must provide evidence of 获得学分的官方的、现行的执照或专业证书. Check the list 提供解放军的院系,看看哪些院系可以提供学分 these credentials.

Linked Courses (Credit through Continuing Education)

Linked Courses (Credit through Continuing Education) -通过2022世界杯买球盘口继续教育的相关课程是无学分的 符合大学学分课程要求和严格程度的课程. Review our list of linked courses to see which ones we plan to offer soon.


Some linked courses are eligible for PLA.

Military Credit

Military Credit -学生可以通过提供令人满意的证据来获得课程学分 完成军事训练课程,可获得相当于大学学分 根据美国教育标准和建议委员会的规定, and/or per an evaluation by Collin College faculty.

Student Eligibility & PLA Processes

PLA Petition Requirements



•目前就读于或在过去五年内就读于科林 College.
• complete at least three credit hours at Collin College.
•已正式宣布申请的学位或证书 their PLA credits.
• meet the requirements specific to the PLA assessment option.


PLA credit may not be requested:


• for a previously completed credit course. (Courses with a grade of "F" or "W" are considered completed).

• for partial credit.

• more than once for a specific course.

Other PLA Considerations

•学生必须在2022世界杯买球盘口完成至少25%的奖学金. Credit earned 通过PLA和转学课程不得超过75%的PLA上限. Additionally, 对于劳动力项目,学生必须在科林至少学习一门技术课程 College that is required to complete their award.


PLA学分不会影响学生的平均绩点(GPA). Additionally, credit earned via PLA is not guaranteed to transfer. Students who plan to transfer 申请另一所院校的学生,应向接收院校咨询GPA要求 and course transferability.


•通过PLA获得的学分不能从学生的成绩单中删除 has been awarded.

Steps to Get Started

1. Be a Collin College student. (If you are not yet a Collin College student, the first step would be to apply for admission at Apply Texas). 


2a. Meet with Academic Advising 如果你有其他学院/大学的可转学课程,或者如果你有 通过大学先修课程(AP)、大学水平考试等考试获得学分 (CLEP), or International Baccalaureate (IB). Academic Advising cannot provide an official 评估你的课程作业/考试成绩,但他们可以提供指导,如何 要求一个评估,哪些课程最适合在你即将到来的学期学习.


2b. Meet with the academic department 如果你有可能符合解放军资格的证书/执照,或者如果你想要 参加部门考试和/或完成部门技能演示 offers.

Departments with PLA Options

Check the list 有PLA选择的院系,看看你的专业有什么机会 area.


1. I have a meeting to see if I’m eligible for PLA. Should I bring anything with me?


Yes. 学生应携带当前的美洲狮指南针学位审核副本 他们的9位数的CWID,带照片的ID,以及任何可能的解放军文件 such as:

- unofficial test scores (AP, CLEP, IB)
- copies of certifications/licensures
-学术部门要求的文件,如简历,作品集, etc.


2. Are there any fees that need to be paid to apply PLA credits?


Yes. For PLA-eligible linked courses, there is a $30.00 fee for each course that is changed from non-credit to credit. A receipt of payment will need to be presented at the time the petition for PLA credit is officially submitted.


For departmental PLA exams, there is a $30.00 fee for each exam that is taken. This 无论考试是由考试中心还是考试中心管理,考试费用都是一样的 by the academic department. A receipt of payment will need to be provided before the exam can be administered.


对于其他形式的解放军,学生可能需要在申请官方许可时支付费用 documents. 然而,2022世界杯买球盘口在申请时不收取额外费用 解放军学分为考试学分(特别是AP/CLEP/IB),铰接高中 credit, military credit, and industry certifications.


3. I took a Continuing Education (i.e. non-credit) class thinking it was for credit. Is there any way I can still get credit?


Maybe. 并不是所有的继续教育课程都与学分课程相关联 all linked courses are eligible for PLA. Contact your professor to confirm if the course you took was a PLA-eligible linked course. If so, a student can petition for credit within the past 5 years of taking the non-credit course. Students must also 在过去五年内,在2022世界杯买球盘口修过至少一门学分课程 to petition.


4. 我已经被授予解放军,但我想换一个不同的奖项. What will happen to my PLA credits?


Your PLA credits aren’t applied to just one specific award; they’re applied to your college transcript.


如果你打算改变你的预期奖励,检查你的美洲豹指南针学位审计 in CougarWeb. It will allow you to Select a Different Program 所以你可以看看你的学分——传统的和解放军的——是如何应用到不同的 awards.